“One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4 (ESV)
Over the past year and some odd, I have encouraged churches to add this prayer (or something similar) to their weekly prayers in worship. Many have done so. The prayer has also been shared nationally to wider audiences. It is my hope that God will move in our hearts to engage younger generations with the…
[Last month I had the opportunity to teach grandparents at our grandcamp. The first session I did was titled “Leaving a Legacy” and looked at Psalm 78. The other session I focused on the challenges of generational differences that exist today which did not really exist when we were growing up. This is from my…
(I had the opportunity to teach at St. Michael’s Church, Charleston a few months ago. This is the rest of what I shared there) 2. A postmodern and post Christian culture has emerged. In the late 1990’s, anyone doing ministry was hearing the experts warn of this idea of postmodernism. It was described as…
(I had the opportunity to teach at St. Michael’s Church, Charleston a few months ago. This is part of what I shared there) My calling in life has been primarily to ministry with teenagers. For years I considered myself a student of youth culture, learning to make sense of the latest trends and communicating…
(Preached at Good Samaritan Anglican Church, Summerville on Sunday June 12,2022) This morning is known on the church calendar as Trinity Sunday. The lectionary readings reflect the fact that God exists as three persons in one being. It’s a mystery that I will not attempt to explain because if I am not clear it will…
In May of 1996 I moved with my wife and 3 small children to England where we spent the next 5+ years as I served as youth minister in a C of E parish. Part of the calling to England was the realization that very few young people in England were exposed to the gospel…
I ran across an excellent short post titled “Four Compelling Reasons I Am Pro-Life” written by a pastor in New England. The overturning of Roe v Wade after 63 million pre-born babies have been killed in our nation is birthing new dialogue. We are not only discussing it with our children, we are explaining to…
Several years ago, Modern Reformation Magazine asked me to write an article on Youth Conferences. I am reposting that here since the season is upon us and it may help some to evaluate what they are experiencing this summer. The stage is set. The sound check is done. Leaders huddle for one last prayer. Cue…
The shift in culture that America has experienced has been so sudden and strange that it has left many youth and children’s ministry leaders scratching their heads. School teachers are experiencing much of the same. Nowhere is this shift more evident than in the area of sexual orientation and gender identity. To grasp the dramatic…
Sermon on Acts 11:19-30 preached at Good Samaritan Anglican Church in May 2021 I chose this passage to look at this morning because it’s such an incredible story. Here’s a little background. The book of Acts is all about the very early spread of Christianity. It was written by Luke, who as we know from…