You may have noticed some of the rhetoric in the media about a war on Christmas. The debated notion seems to be whether or not there is a concerted effort to remove the meaning of the holy day and make it more secular. It certainly fits in the big picture of moving society towards a more “tolerant” position if Jesus can be minimized during the season. We have seen the removal of nativity scenes from public places and we are even seeing school principals forbidding Christmas trees in classrooms… not to mention the billboards that atheists put up in Times Square. Michael Horton has a great post on the subject.
Some say that the best defense is a great offense. Perhaps that’s why I liked this flash mob that just took place this week. I know flash mobs are kinda past their prime, but this one is rather moving – especially at the end. Notice the varied reactions of the shoppers. Maybe this is a great way for youth groups to go caroling… singing only Jesus focused christmas songs in malls or other public places.
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