Generational discipleship is the deliberate and intentional process of passing on faith, values, and practices across generations. What specifically does this mean, and what does it look like?
In passing on faith, we are conveying what we believe and hold to be true. We find this primarily in the scriptures and secondarily in our faith experience. In passing on values, we are sharing the core truths of our worldview, which is rooted in God’s word. In passing on practices, we model or demonstrate how we grow in our faith. This equips and empowers others to follow Jesus like we follow Jesus.
We can think about passing faith, values, and practices in different senses of the word sharing. Sharing our faith means discussing what we believe and have experienced. Sharing our values comes through the way we interact and talk about faith. Values are more often caught than taught. Sharing practices is about doing them together. So, we might describe these forms of sharing as exploring, expressing, and experiencing.
In a congregation engaging in generational discipleship, we should see three commitments. First, a commitment to discipling relationships across age groups. Older, more mature Christians intentionally invest in the lives of younger believers, guiding them in their spiritual growth and providing practical support. This involves one-on-one relationships. Second, a commitment to a multi-generational community. This means creating church environments where people of all ages interact, learn from each other, and support one another’s spiritual journeys. This fosters a sense of shared identity and belonging across generations. Third, a long-term commitment. This means recognizing that discipleship is a lifelong journey, not a short-term program. It involves consistent nurture and guidance over many years, aiming to see faith passed down through families and communities.
At Engage Discipleship, we believe a simple model for passing the faith is the best place to start. We teach people to talk, study, and pray. This model puts God’s word at the center of the discipleship relationship. We teach the value of relationships and of modeling spiritual practices. This makes Engage much more than simply teaching or studying the Bible. It is not merely conveying theological knowledge but also demonstrating and teaching essential spiritual practices of prayer and Bible study. Engage fosters the environment for sharing personal testimonies and family stories of faith, demonstrating the impact of a life lived for Christ across generations.
In essence, generational discipleship creates a self-perpetuating cycle of faith, where each generation equips the next to live out their faith effectively and pass it on to future generations. It’s about building a strong, enduring faith community that thrives across time. Engage Discipleship is a simple way to begin creating such a culture of discipleship in your congregation.