I cringe when I hear a youth pastor speak of “preaching” to the youth group, or refer to giving a sermon to the youth group. It at first blush strikes me as too “churchy” for good youth ministry. It goes against the grain of my understanding of the relational nature of youth ministry. I also believe the place of preaching to be in the context of worship – which is not an accurate description of a youth group meeting (not that there cannot be an element of worship taking place there). It is my conviction that youth pastors and leaders need to be about proclaiming the gospel to youth but it’s not the same in my mind as preaching a sermon.
That said… I ran across the following list of ten reasons for expository preaching which is very consistent with why I think that exposition of scripture is vital in youth ministry. This list comes from the late Dr. E.K. Bailey. First though consider how Dr. Bailey defines expository preaching:
“An expository sermon is a message that focuses on a portion of scripture so as to clearly establish the precise meaning of the text and to poignantly motivate the hearers to actions or attitudes dictated by that text in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Now, on this list, swap out the word preach with teach and replace congregation with youth group and see what you think…
1. Expository preaching creates a Bible-bringing congregation.
2. Expository preaching creates a Bible loving congregation.
3. Expository preaching a Word-conscious congregation.
4. Expository preaching forces the preacher to proclaim the whole counsel of God.
5. Expository preaching arms the people for spiritual warfare.
6. Expository preaching addresses the needs of people, which never occur to the preacher.
7. Expository preaching engenders tremendous interest in what’s coming next (in the text).
8. Expository preaching challenges the spiritual life of the preacher.
9. Expository preaching allows people to hear God’s word and not the preacher’s thoughts.
10. Expository preaching establishes the absolute authority of God’s Word as opposed to situational ethics.
What hopefully is very obvious is what happens in the life of the teacher when they engage in expository teaching. Add to good expository teaching the dynamics of relationships and building community and I believe we have a powerful means through which God transforms lives. His word is truth. His spirit illuminates His truth. His people can encourage one another in living out that truth.
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