Category: Youth Ministry
Reaching The Most Unreached People Group In America
[The following is from my address to our recent diocesan convention.] Let’s turn the clock back for a moment to learn from the past. We all know there is much to be learned from church history. So, let’s engage our imaginations and step back in our minds eye. Dial back to the early 1990’s… shortly…
I have always been of the view that life is precious. Even before I knew what all the Bible taught on the sanctity of life, it was my conviction. I did not give much thought however to the idea of abortion until I met friends in college whose lives were scarred by their experiences. I’m…
What is Anglican Youth Ministry?
Several years ago I wrote an article that turned out to be the single most read post on this blog (called FusionMusing at the time). The subject was Anglican Distinctive’s in Youth Ministry. It is currently the third listed result of a google search of “anglican youth ministry” with the first two being youth ministry…
Finding The Right Band For A Youth Event
I have always been picky when it comes to inviting musicians to lead in youth ministry events. It started in my first job as a youth director working with what was at the time known as “alpha teens”. These are students whose taste in things like music are ahead of the trends. I dared not…
Lessons We Can Learn From The Covington Catholic Incident
That smirk really annoyed me! As I ate breakfast on Sunday morning with my wife, the news we heard was shocking and saddening. We had been at the March for Life and were thrilled by the massive crowds of young people present. Now we were seeing a teen staring in the face of a native…
The Pro-Life Generation
In a few days we will participate in the March for Life in Washington, DC where hundreds of thousands of people, mostly under age 30, will walk in solidarity with the view that life is precious.
Top Ten of 2018
Rooted Ministry just posted it’s list of the top ten youth ministry articles in 2018 from across the web (not from their excellent blog) and it includes some amazingly challenging articles. Click on the link and read. I particularly thought the first five were very challenging and worth pondering.
Moving Forward Or Stuck In A Rut?
(Good to Great Youth Ministry Part Five) “Keep up the good work” said Tom, “you are making great progress here”. I could not believe the words I was hearing. Tom was not known for empty words of praise. “What do you mean?” I asked. He went on to comment on how the youth ministry at…
Hedgehog Driven Youth Ministry
(fourth in the series “Good to Great Youth Ministry”) Are we doing too much? I stood speechless in the office of the minister I worked for many years ago reflecting on a comment he had just made. We were discussing programs in the church. This was a mega church with more programs than most churches…
Let’s get real… about youth ministry in the 21st Century!
(This series of articles based on the principles found in Jim Collins book Good to Great seeks to call our churches to raise the bar and move good youth ministries into the realm of great ministries.) The times have changed! One of the most frustrating aspects of being a youth minister has always been the conversation we…