Category: Youth Ministry

  • Connecting Preaching and Youth Ministry

    I cringe when I hear a youth pastor speak of “preaching” to the youth group, or refer to giving a sermon to the youth group. It at first blush strikes me as too “churchy” for good youth ministry. It goes against the grain of my understanding of the relational nature of youth ministry. I also…

  • Nov Encounter Slideshow from Dave Wright on Vimeo.

  • More thoughts on the yucky predicament…

    Having commented on the realities of loss in the chaos of disaffiliation with The Episcopal Church, my mind is turned to one of the most common expressions I am hearing from people.  Stand firm!  On the day after the news went public,  I received an encouraging email from a local youth pastor outside our diocese…

  • Thoughts on a very yucky predicament

    The most repeated question I am getting at the moment is “How are you doing?” The chaos that we entered officially on Monday which became public in the middle of the week has huge implications for me and our family… not to mention the entire diocese. I’d like to explore some thoughts here on the…

  • Sept Encounter Slideshow from Dave Wright on Vimeo.

  • Oct Encounter from Dave Wright on Vimeo.

  • Math class and our ministries

    I ran across this post on the Youth Ministry 360 site (which I don’t think I have ever seen before) and the author was reflecting on a video he watched where a math teacher was explaining 5 signs that he sees that suggest that the approach they are taking to teach is ineffective.  Very creatively…

  • That other “gospel”…

    I’m not sure how many of us in youth ministry have considered how we are impacted by the prosperity gospel.  Most folks I know are quick to dismiss it as bogus – which they rightly should.   Yet the prosperity preachers sell more books I think than the best evangelicals.   (I am basing this…

  • Doug Fields on removing volunteers

    Doug actually posted this about the time I started running with this series and I thought his insights were great on an aspect I did not really touch on… namely how to fire a volunteer.  Having been on the receiving end of it, I must say that learning to remove leaders well is important and…

  • Lead, follow or get out of the way! (part two)

    Author and speaker Ken Davis gave a message at a conference with three points that I will never forget.  He suggested that we can live life with nothing too hide, nothing to lose, and nothing to prove.  The parallels between his talk and the opening verse of Jude are amazing. Nothing to hide Too often…


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