Category: Youth Ministry

  • An interesting conference…

    I have been at a conference of The IASYM which is an International organization advancing the study of youth ministry. It’s participants fall into three categories. Some are professors of youth ministry (or related fields) at a college or seminary. Others are doing research in youth ministry related areas and most of those are PhD…

  • Leadership Matters – a heart issue

    I previously suggested that a leaders approach (and effectiveness) are influenced by those who lead us. Simply put, if we are being led well, we are more able to lead to our full potential and if we are not led well our effectiveness is hindered. There is another side to the matter though, another angle…

  • Wow!

    This was the 8th most viewed YouTube video of 2012.  I thought it is beautiful in so many ways!

  • fighting the war

    You may have noticed some of the rhetoric in the media about a war on Christmas.  The debated notion seems to be whether or not there is a concerted effort to remove the meaning of the holy day and make it more secular.  It certainly fits in the big picture of moving society towards a…

  • Notes from the…

    On our fall Encounter events, we ran a video as one of our seminar options. The 50 minute video was a huge hit with students, even getting mentioned often on evaluation cards. The consistent remarks were that it really challenged them, made them think, and answered questions that the students had never thought of. Our…

  • Leadership Matters – Time for a rest

    by Ken Moser Friday is my favorite day of the week, I have no classes and nothing but time to mark papers and catch up. However, as I write this I can feel my batteries start to wind down and I’m looking forward to Saturday – my day off. Saturday is my day. I do…

  • Leadership Matters – glory

    Paul Tripp has a great piece on The Gospel Coalition Blog about the tendency we have in ministry to seek glory for ourselves.  It’s difficult to think about this idea or read someone’s thoughts on it because it makes us incredibly self conscious.  However, Tripp’s approach is helpful and I think in youth ministry we…

  • Leadership Matters

    I’d like to offer a little series on the subject of leadership and explore some aspects of leadership that maybe don’t get as much coverage as others.  It may be that some unrelated blog posts fall in during the series but we shall see how far this series might go. First up…  How we lead…

  • Look upon us, O Lord, and let all the darkness of our souls vanish before the beams of thy brightness. Fill us with holy love, and open to us the treasures of thy wisdom. All our desire is known unto thee, therefore perfect what thou hast begun, and what thy Spirit has awakened us to…

  • My head hurts!

    I reflected previously on my thoughts as this ecclesiastical mess emerged last month.  One of the realities that I explored is the loss of identity experienced in all this.  My own part of that is somewhat unique as I mentioned.  However, as things continue to play out, my head has started to spin even faster. …


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