Category: Youth Ministry
Do your students know what is going on?
Are they aware of this…? In recent days, people around the world have been appalled by images of attacks on churches in Pakistan, where 85 people died when two suicide bombers rushed the Anglican All Saints Church in Peshawar, and in Kenya, where an assault on a Catholic church in Wajir left one dead and…
Rob Schluter, Youth Minster at St John’s John’s Island, on Why am I an Anglican?
Kendall Harmon posted this recently…Several years ago, as I watched our diocese and our church head towards the inevitable break with the national church and as I watched churches struggle with hard decisions on the uniqueness of Christ, the authority of scripture, or any other number of issues I went on a journey to see…
Mission Trips
I’ve several times posted articles about the benefit and down sides to short term missions projects that are common amongst youth groups. I never really thought about it until my senior pastor nixed a request to take a group to Russia because it was more cost efficient to send money and hire locals to work…
Modeling & Shaping A Biblical View Of The Church
A version of this article appeared at The Gospel Coalition Blog on September 17 and garnered a lot of attention (measured by the 4000+ shares on Facebook). Below is the original as submitted to the editors. They did a great job in editing my work but left off one important reality. The first church I…
Sniffing Around In Youth Ministry
Growing up I always thought it odd that when two dogs first encounter each other they do a sort of circle dance trying to sniff each others ends. Once accomplished, they seem fine with each other. The best I can figure out as to the meaning behind (no pun intended) such behavior is that they…
I love this guys heart
At one of our events in 2012 we hosted Nathan Tasker to lead worship music and do a concert. It was an incredible time. I ran across this interview with him recently that really says much about who he is and what he is about. an excerpt… Do hymns have a special significance for you?Yeah…
Distorting the Bible
I am sitting in church, listening to a sermon from a guest preacher. It’s pretty good except that I am slightly distracted by whom the preacher reminds me of. That’s irrelevant to where I am going though. Suddenly for the sixth or seventh time I hear something conveyed that I had heard before. That sounds…
A website from down under
In working with the Young Anglicans Project (learn more at I have become aware of a very cool website for both teens and youth leaders that is produced by Anglicans in Australia. I found this thing very cool. It has articles (blog posts) for students as well as lots of resources for youth leaders.…
taking this a bit tongue in cheek but it really makes a point…
Thinking Theologically in Youth Ministry
I’ve run across a great example of thinking theologically in youth ministry on a blog post written by a guy who grew up in one of the youth groups in our diocese. He is now serving as a youth minister in another part of our state. Not only does he engage theology, but he looks…