Category: Youth Ministry

  • The Coddling of Students

    “When any culture starts calling good evil and evil good, Truth is the only rebellion left”. This podcast is an important one to watch or listen to for any parent, grandparent, or person who works with students.  

  • How Do We Understand The Identity Crisis Among Younger Generations?

    An excellent explanation that those who work with or are raising kids need to hear.

  • Psalm 51 Sermon Excerpt

    An excerpt from the sermon I preached recently at Good Samaritan Anglican Church in Summerville. David turns to the mercy and love of God. And in doing so is seeking three things. He seeks to be cleansed of his sin. He seeks to be transparent and honest with God. He seeks restoration and renewal. So…

  • Anglican Distinctives in Youth Ministry

    (the most read article I have ever posted here-updated) The question comes up from time to time.  What makes for an anglican approach to youth ministry? I’ve heard people try to articulate it but end up not saying much that differs from other traditions.  In the years I served the Diocese of South Carolina, I…

  • A Journey in Youth Ministry

    I found this on my computer recently. I shared this in 2015 with a staff team that wanted to get to know me better and hear what God was doing in my life and ministry. I’d like to weave together a journey that I have been on for a good long while. In this we…

  • What Does it Mean to Partner with Parents in Ministry?

    The following is an expansion of one of the five principles mentioned previously… When I was 22 years old and brand new in youth ministry, parents intimidated me. These were folks that tended to either be very pleased that their son or daughter was enjoying youth group or angry that I was somehow not meeting…

  • A Little Christmas Season Fun

    We all know there are some cringey or cheesy aspects of this season. Christmas sweaters come to mind. So Nate Morgan Locke and Glen Scrivener decided to do a music video parody of a song that is popular in the UK every time the world cup comes into season. The original song is called “Football…

  • Pray for Younger Generations

    Over the past year and some odd, I have encouraged churches to add this prayer (or something similar) to their weekly prayers in worship. Many have done so. The prayer has also been shared nationally to wider audiences. It is my hope that God will move in our hearts to engage younger generations with the…

  • Navigating Generational Differences

    [Last month I had the opportunity to teach grandparents at our grandcamp. The first session I did was titled “Leaving  a Legacy” and looked at Psalm 78. The other session I focused on the challenges of generational differences that exist today which did not really exist when we were growing up. This is from my…

  • Sermon on Isaiah 6

    (Preached at Good Samaritan Anglican Church, Summerville on Sunday June 12,2022) This morning is known on the church calendar as Trinity Sunday. The lectionary readings reflect the fact that God exists as three persons in one being. It’s a mystery that I will not attempt to explain because if I am not clear it will…


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