Category: Youth Ministry

  • The Circus, The “Nones”, & Intentionality

    Each year I have the joy of speaking before our diocesan convention of 300+ persons representing our 50+ churches. The following is what I shared this year… For over 15 years I have been serving as your Coordinator for Youth Ministries. Longevity has the advantages of seeing vision get rooted and learning how to best…

  • A Teen’s Perspective

    From the Rooted Blog… I am a teenager, and I am a Christian. That means my life is different. I don’t live for what the world offers, and I don’t act how the world tells me to. I have been transformed by the gospel, and it has literally changed everything. From the inside to the outside,…

  • The Jesus Weekend 2017

  • Three Keys To Numerical Growth In Youth Ministry

    Numbers aren’t everything, nor are they the true measure of effectiveness.  For that we need to look at longer term fruit. However, attendance numbers do indicate life and growth in a ministry and they often determine our fate as employed or redundant youth ministers. We do well to track attendance regularly which I wrote about…

  • Needing A Mentor Or Coach

    I’ve once again come to a point in my life where I find myself in need of a coach or mentor. Technically, I need a “mentor” immediately for my distance courses for seminary but that’s not what I am getting at here. I’m looking at the future and realizing there are kingdom opportunities in front…

  • Podcast with Dr. Michael Horton

    I had the opportunity to contribute in a small way to a podcast with Dr. Michael Horton which can be found here.

  • Growing as a speaker (part 3)

    In my first post sharing the content of the workshop I led at the Rooted Conference, I focused on competence.  From there I shared on Clarity and Connection. This post finishes the main points I had at the Rooted workshop on Growing as a Speaker. Credibility – There are ethical issues involved with credibility. Do…

  • Worship On Christmas Day

    I was saddened to learn of the death of Greg Lake, who was a member of King Crimson (whose music I was not really familiar with) and Emerson, Lake, & Palmer (whose music was formative for me). Lake wrote a song called “I Believe in Father Christmas” which is a perennial radio staple in England…

  • I found this fascinating given that most younger youth ministers are millenials

  • Why Christian Kids Leave the Faith

    A fascinating article over on… Few things are sadder to witness than people who once professed faith leaving it all behind. This is especially true when those people were raised in Christian homes by God-fearing parents. These children were given every opportunity to put their faith in Jesus but determined instead to turn their…


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