A Great Agreement

Recently a friend of mine shared his story of how his teenage son wanted an iPhone, so they came up with an agreement on the terms and conditions of having the phone.  It’s a beautiful contract through which parents have conveyed their love to their son. He shared the agreement with me and gave me permission to share it with others. It’s the sort of arrangement all parents should make with their kids in my opinion.  And for what it’s worth, I’ve gotten to know his son as well and can see visible fruit of godly parenting.

(Son), you are loved more than you will ever truly know by your mother and father. You are of far greater value and more precious to your parents than any iPhone.
Having and using an iPhone is a privilege, not a right or an entitlement. It is a blessing to be used and enjoyed in a godly and safe manner. NEVER, we repeat NEVER for texting or talking while driving or behind the wheel of a car. It is not to be used during the silent hours of the night for any purposes but shall remain on charge in the den or some other location as directed by your parents. The password page will remain that of all the phones in the home so that in the event of any need or emergency it is accessible to all members of the family. I hope you learn to share as we have so freely shared with you. All communications be they conversations, texts or otherwise shall always be honoring and well pleasing in the sight of the Lord and are always to be open and available to your parents.  

Screen time shall not be distracting to work and studies and therefore shall be limited and shall in no ways interfere with family time, activities or conversations. When called or texted by your parents you shall respond immediately at the time of the call or text unless you are behind the wheel driving. 

These are absolute non negotiable conditions to your cell phone privileges which may, if needs be, be revoked or suspended. In addition you must agree to the following:
1. I will turn off my phone while driving. I will not have it on for any reason while I am behind the wheel.
2. If I have to call or text someone, I will wait until I get to my destination or pull over to a complete stop and put the car in the park position or get out of the car to do so.
3. I will not allow a passenger to use my cell phone to text while I am driving as my phone is always off while I am behind the wheel of a car. 

We are proud of you. We are proud of the young godly man that we see growing and maturing before our eyes. We hope you enjoy and use this privilege wisely, respectfully and in fun. Enjoy, be blessed and be a blessing.

With all our Love,

_____________________    ________________________ _____________________
Mom                Dad                    Son

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